Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's Blocking Your Progress?

Have you noticed lately that you and/or your business is at a stand still.  As if nothing is happening, and you have become stale?

Consider some of these things that can hinder the progress of a person or a business:

1.  Complacency.  When we become complacent, we often give up trying new things or growing.

2.  Undesirable personnel.  Employees can cause a business to become stagnant, if they are treating customers badly, stealing from you, and if they've given up or don't care, etc.

3.  Does your business need a fresh perspective?  Perhaps you need a new advertising slogan or campaign, or maybe you need to advertise to a fresh group of potential clients and customers.  Try advertising or social sharing your business in places you have never shared before.

4.  Product inventory might be wrong or out of date.  Perhaps you need new products or services to entice new customers.  Explore what your current customers want, and try to think of new ideas to reach even more people.  

5.  Remind people of your goals, values and commitment to excellence.  Keep personnel motivated and encouraged, and remind the public why you're doing what you're doing, and how you are committed to giving them the best possible product and service.

*Ask employees for fresh ideas and ways that they think your business can grow and profit.  Ask them also, what you can do to keep them motivated and happy.  Most employees want what's best for the company they work for, and they often have creative ideas.  Do things within reason to keep them happy and content, and that should encourage them to always do their best for you.

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